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War of Ghosts
18:39:15 Jan 19th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

***Fort Wolfe - Headquarters of the Dragon Legion***

High General Lorus Xarxes was sitting in his office, outside his office, two guards stood ready to kill anybody who tried to get past them without permission. Xarxes was sitting back in his chair, the war against Valkond wasn't going well, with their armies getting closer to Seris each day, they needed a new plan, and the Emperor was too proud to ask for aid from other nations, such as Cidel, Xalan, and Restar. They could not win at the rate the war was going, they needed aid, and Xarxes knew of only one way to get it.

***Castle Seris - Home of the Serillian Royal Family***

Emperor Pelagius Serilar IV was in his quarters in Castle Seris, home of the Serillian Royal Family. He was sound asleep, and outside his room were two guards who would give their lives for the Emperor, or so he thought. The two soldiers were under Serillian Guard Captain Verdelet Zarrock, who was a good friend of High General Xarxes. The Emperor knew not that his most trusted military advisor, and his most trusted guardian, were both after his life. When the two guards heard snoring, they nodded to each other. One of the guards entered the room as silently as he could; the wood door did not creak, and slipped into the room. He was nervous. As he crept toward the majestic four-posted bed that his Emperor slept in, he took a dagger from his sleeve. As he stood at the side of the bed, he hesitated. Could he kill the Emperor? Could he kill the one he swore to protect? Yes, he owed it to his Empire. The Emperor was not a bad man, but killing him was the only way that Serillia could push back the foreign armies. The guard plunged the blade into the Emperor's heart and extinguished the fifty-four year old man's life.

***Castle Seris, the Throne Room***

"Rise, Emperor Cephorus V," said the Archbishop of Zeta as the former Crown Prince rose from his kneeling position. On his head was an absurd looking crown and on his back was a cape twice the length of his body. The new Emperor turned and looked at the noblemen and military commanders in the room. Several Generals, Dukes, Lords, and Barons had attended his coronation. Also at the meeting was Prince Calus, Cephorus's brother, High General Xarxes, and Princess Mara, his sister. At his side was the new Empress, Millona.
"My friends, family, and subjects. Three days ago, my father was slain by assassins. He is now with my mother and my ancestors in Aelenius. I will go there some day too, but for now, I will lead Serillia, and I will lead it well!" roared Cephorus, "Long live Serillia!"
"Long live Serillia!" yelled the crowd.
After the coronation ceremony, the new Emperor approached High General Xarxes.
"Call a meeting with the rulers of Cidel, Xalan, Collaria, Kerait, and Restar," said Cephorus, "Also...I want the assassins caught."
"Yes, milord," said Xarxes.
He doesn't was for the good of Serillia. It was a difficult decision, but it had to be done, Xarxes told himself.
With that, Xarxes saluted and walked out of the Emperor's throne room.

***The High Road - The main route between Cidel and Serillia***

Crown Prince Validus Cidellus, the heir apparent of Cidel and the first of Emperor Bertilius's five sons, rode down the high road toward Serillia; his white cape with the gold emblem of Cidel was flapping behind him. His hair was brown, and his eyes were the color of all of the Cidellus line: green. His armor was made of whitesteel, and his sword was made of an odd pure white material. He was a bear of a man, and he looked like he could rip a man in two. With him was his guard: fifty mounted Cidellian horsemen.
"Farilor! How much further?" asked Cidellus in his grand voice.
"Ten more miles, milord. We should see Seris after going over this hill," said Major Gorris Farilor.
"Good! What's your take on Pelagius's death?" he asked.
"Your majesty, my job is not to give you political opinions. But I think that Cephorus killed his father, or he had him killed," said Farilor.
"Why do you say that?" asked Validus.
"Lots of reasons. He wanted power, he wanted our help but he knew his father would not ask for it, there are plenty of reasons," said Farilor.
"Yes, but he loved his father dearly," said Validus, "I met them once...young Cephorus worshipped his father."
"I was just giving my opinion, sir," said Farilor.
"I know, Gorris, and I am glad you gave an honest one," said Validus with a smile.

***Castle Seris, Dining Room***

Cephorus was sitting at the head of a table, the envoys from the foreign countries were at positions down it. Crown Prince Validus Cidellus of Cidel, Prince Caius Colvaine of Collaria, Prince Ferrus Xalanor of Xalan, Crown Prince Alvus Yerchico of Kerait, and Prince Caed Rell of Restar were all seated down the table.
"I am glad that you, members of your country's royal family, could make it," said Cephorus.
"I am sorry for your father," said Validus.
"As am I, he was a great man," said Cephorus sadly, "But let us not weep for his death, let us simply push back Valkond and Marfor so that Serillia can be whole once more."
Genuine sorrow. Farilor was wrong, he didn't kill his father, thought Validus.
"Validus, your cavalry is legendary. Yerchico, your siege weaponry is the most advanced amongst us. Rell, your navy is the largest and most magnificent of ours, Xalanor, your infantry is the most well trained, and Colvaine, your archers are on par with our legends. Together, we could defeat the Marfor-Valkond Alliance and send them crying back to their countries," said Cephorus with great charisma.
"Why not push them further?" asked Colvaine, "Why not push them back to the Great Sea?"
"If we push them from Serillia, and you still want to fight, then go for it," said Cephorus calmly, "But I will not make those goals until they are pushed back to their nations."
"You have Cidel's support as always," said Validus.
"Restar will need some kind of compensation for the lives that will be lost. Land, perhaps," said Rell.
"If we decide to push them to the Great Sea, then you will all receive equal portions of Valkond and Marfor," said Cephorus.
"What if we lose more men? Do we still receive equal amounts!?" asked Xalanor.
"Your men will be under the Command of your own Generals. As such, we will not give you any more land than the others," said Cephorus.
"Our own Generals? I would hope so! Not just going to give the reigns of Collaria's army over to a Serillian," said Yerchico.
"Can you stop bickering for twenty seconds!?" roared Validus, "For Zeta's sake, you sound like a bunch of children!"
"How dare you?" asked Yerchico.
"Shut your mouth!" yelled Validus, "Who gives a flying hell who commands the armies? We're civilized people, so lets act like civilized people."
"I did not come to this meeting to be insulted, especially by a Cidellian!" yelled Yerchico before getting up and walking towards the door.
"Yerchico! Stay here!" commanded Cephorus, "Wait, Cidellus, sit down!"
Validus got up as well and beat Yerchico to the door. He then grabbed him and slammed him into a wall.
"Now you listen here...insult my country again, and I will gut you like a pig. Understand?" asked Validus.
Yerchico was in shock, he had been a pampered Prince, and had never experienced intimidation or physical assault. What came out of his mouth sounded like a mess of words, but Validus understood.
"Good..." said Validus before walking Yerchico back to his seat and sitting down himself, "We can continue..."
Most of the room was in shock, but the meeting continued. In the end, the Western Alliance was formed with the nations of Serillia, Cidel, Xalan, Restar, Kerait, and Collaria.

***Herval – A City of the Serillian Empire***

Crown Prince Validus Cidellus was mounted on his horse; he was clad in his white armor. He held in his hand a mighty lance, and he was seated on one of the most magnificent horses in Cidel, its name was Zerisar. At the other side of the field, many Marforian and Valkondian soldiers were waiting for Cidel’s fearsome cavalry charge. The battle’s purpose was to liberate the Serillian city of Herval. The terrain was perfect; the charge would be a magnificent one. After a minute, he heard cavalry commanders cry "CHARGE!" all down the lines, he did the same.
"CHARGE!" roared Validus as he spurred Zerisar, making it ride across the field. The enemies experienced total fear, for they had heard of Cidel’s skill on horseback. He put his lance forward and gave out his battle cry.
"CIDEL!" he yelled before his lance made impact with the enemy, knocking one man off his feet and probably dislocating his arm. Validus then threw the broken lance aside and drew his longsword, Firengard, and began fighting. Firengard was a magical weapon, and was enveloped in a constant blue fire when drawn. Xalan’s army joined the engagement after a few minutes, adding their veteran infantry to the intense melee. Validus blocked many blows with his shield, but finally, an enemy managed to get him off. He hit the ground hard, but rolled back, using his shield to block an incoming blow, he then stabbed Firengard into the enemy that had attacked him, the enemy was lit on fire immediately. As he screamed in pain as the flames charred his flesh, Cidellus turned around and saw that most of the riders had been knocked off. Zerisar ran off, as the horse was trained to, and Validus blocked a blow and shield bashed an opponent before yelling an order.
"Regroup!" yelled Validus amongst the fray, he blocked a blow and slashed an enemy’s throat before repeating his order, "Cidellians! Regroup!"
The soldiers listened, and the fought to get to Validus, who was blocking many attacks. Eventually, they formed a round formation with their shields pointed out. Validus was on the northern part of the circular formation, stabbing all who came near. In another location, General Xarxes was standing in front of a massive line of archers.
"Loose!" yelled Xarxes.
The archers fired flaming arrows towards the back of the fray, where less allied soldiers were likely to be, and Xarxes turned to face his men again. Under his command, the archers continued firing.


Eventually, after forty-five minutes of pure melee, the Western Alliance won, with Marfor and Valkond being forced to retreat. With great relief, Validus looked around. Bodies from both sides littered the battlefield. Without a word, he pulled a water-skin from his belt and drank. He was tired, and hungry, but most of all, he was thirsty. Major Farilor walked up to Validus, Farilor was also holding some water, but for a different reason. With a cringe, he poured it on a large gash in his arm. He then turned to face Validus.
"Are you alright, milord?" he asked, grunting to keep from yelling in pain.
"Yes, I am fine. Go see a healer," said Validus.
"Yes…milord," said Farilor as he walked off.
Validus looked around, there were many injured, with legs and arms cut to the bone, and there were many deaths.
War is a terrible thing…and it is caused by nothing but greed. Marforian and Valkondian greed for Serillian lands. If man did not have that defect, this world would be much happier, Validus thought to himself.
Validus saw a Cidellian knight on the ground with a chest wound and ran up to him. The soldier coughed up some blood; he had been wounded in the final minutes of the battle.
"Water…" he said.
Validus already knew that the man would not make it, people rarely survived wounds where he had his, it had penetrated his stomach. Validus gave the soldier his last wish before he faded off into Aelenius, the afterlife.
Zeta help us…, thought Validus, Because we sure as hell won’t help ourselves…

***The Palace of Cidel, Cidel City***

"We have a report on the Battle of Herval, your majesty," said Emperor Bertilius’s steward.
"Is my son still among the living?" asked Bertilius.
"He was in an intense melee, but he is still alive!" said the steward with great happiness.
A great weight was lifted off of the Emperor’s soul, and he looked up.
"Send him a letter congratulating him on his first battle," said Bertilius.
"Yes, milord!" said the steward before walking off, Bertilius sat back, and his wife, Angelus, entered the throne room.
"I was just as worried about you when you went into battle," said Angelus, "Why must he go?"
"Because it is a tradition, the Cidellian Army must be led by one of Royal Blood," said Bertilius.
"But must he fight in the battle himself?" asked Angelus.
"He would be disgraced if he didn’t," said Bertilius, "A man who orders his men to fight, but does not fight himself is one to be looked down on in Cidel…and the future Emperor cannot afford to be looked down upon."

***Castle Herval***

"I thank you for your Empire’s help," said Prince Calus Serilar, brother of Emperor Cephorus and High Commander of the Serillian Army, "On behalf of all of Serillia!"
The Commanders of the Cidellian, Xalanian, Restarian, Keraitian, and Collarian armies all bowed, and Validus looked up.
"You are very welcome," said Validus.
The group of prominent men walked into the dining room and began to eat, but a few minutes into the meal, a soldier entered, nearly out of breath.
"Sirs! They are counterattacking!" yelled the soldier.
"From where?" asked Calus.
"The East!" exclaimed the soldier.
"Get Collaria’s archers up on the wall and ready the oil!" said Calus.
"Yes sir!" said the soldier as he ran out.
Validus got up and looked Calus in the eyes.
"I will now take my leave," said Validus.
"Why?" asked Calus.
"It is Cidellian tradition for the Prince to fight alongside his men, and I must get my armor," said Validus.
"Fine, take your leave," said Calus.
With that, Validus walked from the room, towards his quarters and the armor that was waiting for him.

22:40:00 Jan 21st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

***Walls of Herval***

Validus was prepared for battle, clad in whitesteel armor and wielding Firengard, he could not be more prepared. The flame of Firengard wasn't the only advantage the sword had. It was could also be called the living sword, because it holds inside the memories and experience of the many of the Cidellus line that had held the blade before him. It was also as light as a stick, and could be wielded with great skill by the worst of swordsmen. And last but not least, the flame allowed it to cut through steel like butter, rendering shields and armor useless for his enemy. The blade had been created by his ancestor, Tiberius Cidellus, over five hundred years ago. Since then, it had slain many enemies in the name of the Cidellian Empire.
"Sir!" said a soldier with a salute as Validus stepped onto the wall, the rest of the soldiers turned to see him and gave similar salutes.
"At ease! Keep alert!" said Validus so that everybody could hear him.
The archers turned around and stayed vigilant while Validus scanned the horizon. He couldn't see much, it was getting dark.
"Enemies! Look!" yelled a soldier as he pointed.
Validus looked in the direction that the soldier was pointing and saw a single horseman on the horizon. The horseman pointed his blade towards Herval and thirty catapults were rolled over the hill.
"Oh...for the love of Mastros!" yelled Validus.
At that moment, High General Xarxes climbed onto the wall.
"Catapults!? D*** it!" yelled Xarxes, "Ready the trebuchets! Aim at the catapults!"
The trebuchets on the walls of Herval were already prepared.
"Fire!" yelled Xarxes.
The trebuchets shot their projectiles, and a few of them struck the catapults, but not all. The catapults fired and struck the walls, making Validus nearly lose his balance.
"Fire them again!" yelled Xarxes as he regained his balance.
The trebuchets fired again a minute later, and shattered several more catapults, but the catapults concentrated their fire on the same spot on the wall, and it once again shook.
"It can't handle much more of this!" yelled Validus.
"I know! Fire again!" yelled Xarxes.
The trebuchets were fired a minute later, and shattered a few more catapults. Only twelve were left now, but twelve was more than enough. The twelve all shot at the same spot, and the fortified walls of Herval collapsed in that spot. The soldiers were smart enough to have moved, and nobody died when it collapsed. The swordsmen that were standing by the gate ran to the breach while a large army of Marforian-Valkondian footmen ran across the field from the cover of the hill and towards the breach.
Validus roared a curse as he ran to the ladder and slid down, a few minutes later he was at the breach with his sword drawn.
"Form a shield wall!" yelled Validus as he ran forward and went into a shield wall stance. Many of the soldiers joined him and formed a wall, the ones behind them provided support.
The wave of enemies stopped, and Validus was grew worried. Then, the wave parted, and large cavalry unit rode forward with their blunt lances at the ready. At the head of the unit was a man in higher quality armor with a bigger horse rode forward, Validus recognized him imediately as Prince Marduk Marforon, the Black Prince of Marfor. At his side was Quicksilver, a blade of legendary origin that had once belonged to the royal family of Serillia, but had been captured two years before. Marduk was known to be a brilliant tactician, a great swordsman, and a sadistic, malevolent, psychopath. He wore a helmet that was meant to intimidate his enemies, as it was shaped like the God of Destruction's (Destrok) head. The pauldrons of his armor were strutted out from his shoulders and when not in battle he wore a black cape. He was a terrifying figure to see on the battlefield.
"Prepare for impact!" yelled Validus as he strengthened his arm.
A lance broke against the shield moments later, and his arm was nearly dislocated.
"Argh!" yelled Validus as he fell back, but managed to get back up due to the whitesteel's lightweight qualities. He immediately brought his sword up high and cut a horseman in half at the waist. The top of the body fell off the horse and collided with the ground while the bottom remained attached to the saddle due to the straps keeping it in place. Validus then looked and saw his target: Prince Marduk. In between Validus and the Black Prince were several Marforian soldiers.
That lunatic cannot escape...
Validus ran forward and cut off an enemy's head before blocking a blow and shield bashing an opponent. He then stabbed a soldier through the stomach, lighting him on fire, and pulled the blade out of the enemy in time to parry a blow and stab his blade into the enemy's stomach. He was now right in front of Prince Marduk's horse. With practiced skill, he brought his sword up to dismount (and possibly dismember) his opponent, but Marduk brought Quicksilver up with lightning speed and blocked. Nevertheless, the force of the blow knocked Marduk off his horse. Marduk got up and blocked Firengard with Quicksilver, and Validus used his shield to shieldbash his opponent, but Marduk used his shield to block Validus's shield. The battle continued for several minutes, with attempts of interference from both sides (both the Easterners and the Westerners attempted to help their Princes), but those were futile, as the two warriors managed to dodge any outside attempts. Eventually, Validus finally won. As a Restarian soldier distracted Marduk, Validus took the opportunity to stab Firengard through the enemy's cuirass and into his back. Marduk let out an intense scream as the blue fire of the living sword purged the flesh from his bones. Quicksilver fell to the ground, and Validus looked around. The battle was almost over, with the Easterners being forced to retreat. Validus picked up Quicksilver and examined it. It was a fine blade, and was true to its name, as it looked to be made of pure silver. As Validus had experienced in the battle, it was also quick, being as light or lighter than Firengard. Finally, it was unbreakable, like Firengard, which made the duel with Marduk much more difficult. Validus unbuckled the sheath from Marduk's roasting corpse (he was roasting inside his armor) and sheathed Quicksilver.
This will go back to the Serilar family..., thought Validus.
With that thought, Validus recognised his fatigue, and walked back through the breach towards the castle.

***Castle Herval***

"Cidellus!" said Calus in greeting as Validus walked into the throne room where Calus was waiting. Calus was wearing heavy armor, and was holding a claymore. Several Imperial guards were standing near him.
Validus took off his whitesteel barbute helmet and looked Calus in the eyes before unbuckling Quicksilver and handing it to him.
"Quicksilver...I took it off Prince Marduk's corpse," said Validus.
"Marduk is dead?" asked Calus in shock.
"Yes, his body is roasted near the wall if you'd like to check," said Validus.
"Good! This blade is back in the proper family's hands!" said Calus, "How do you fare? How did the battle go?"
"Well, I'm thirsty, tired, and would like to rest...and the battle fared well. They breached the wall, but we held them back," said Validus.
"Good, go rest," said Calus.
"Good suggestion," said Validus before walking off towards his quarters.

03:17:38 Jan 26th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:


Over the next week, the Western Army marched across the plains between Herval and the city of Bertrol, liberating the towns of Calos and Kallon along the way (both of which had been previously guarded by the army that made the counter-attack against Herval). Once the Western Army was within ten miles of Bertrol, they sent a few scouts to find out how well guarded the city was. The scouts came back with word that the city was guarded by an army of around three thousand, and the city's walls were thicker than Herval's. It was time to use Kerait's siege weaponry.


The wall collapsed after five minutes of bombardment and Validus smiled with a lance in his hand.
"Charge!" he roared before Zerisar went forward.
The ground raced under the horse and the horseman, and the distance closed between Validus and the breach. He lowered the lance when he got within range, and ten seconds later it made contact with an enemy's shield. The enemy fell back and Validus discarded what remained of his lance before drawing Firengard. With lightning speed he slashed at his right side. The blade went through a shield and into an enemy's skull. He slashed again, cutting a blade in half and slashing into an enemy's neck. The head came clean off and Validus directed Zerisar out of the melee. Upon getting out, he got off Zerisar and turned back to the melee with his shield at the ready.
"For sacred Cidel!" roared Validus as he charged forth, the infantry of the Western Army ran behind him. The mighty army clashed with the defense force and the battle began. Validus's blade cut through flesh, steel, and bone alike, cauterizing the mortal wounds and cleaving through the souls of many. Validus did not hesitate, he had never hesitated when killing, even during his first kill. The will to murder, to kill in battle, it came naturally to Validus. He would kill for his country, or his allies, in a heartbeat. After an arrow zoomed past his head, Validus became aware of the soldiers on the wall still shooting arrows into the maul. Validus made sure to hold his shield higher after that. After the Westerners defeated the soldiers at the breach, they poured through into the city. Some soldiers ran onto the wall and slaughtered the archers, others ran to the palace to slay the Marforian Governor and his military advisor, General Lavak. Upon arriving, they found the massive wooden doors to be barred, and called for a battering ram. After two minutes of pounding, the door smashed open and the Westerners ran in. The few remaining Marforian soldiers were slaughtered.
"You're Validus right?" asked the governor, "You will grant me mercy?"
Validus stabbed Firengard into the Governor's chest.
"Never to one who cowers in his palace while his men bleed and die!" said Validus with disgust before turning to the captured General.
"Kill him," said Validus.
"Wait! Wait!" yelled the General in desperation, he was a large man, and he had with him a massive warhammer.
"What?" asked Validus.
"I challenge you! A duel!" yelled the General, knowing of Cidellian culture.
"A duel?" asked Validus, obviously amused by the General.
"Yes! A duel!" he said with a smile, "You must duel me! I know of your culture! You must accept!"
"Fine..." said Validus, even though the right was only offered to Cidellians, he would fight the General.
Validus and the General walked into the center of the throne room and readied their weapons. Validus had Firengard, Lavak had his hammer, which he called Baell.
"Ready...commence!" yelled a soldier.
The two warriors ran into the center, with the General raising his maul and bringing it down upon Validus. Validus dodged and with lighning speed, he cut through the General's legs. The wounds were cauterized by the burning fire of the living sword, and the General fell to the ground in extreme amounts of pain.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Argghhhhh!" he yelled in extreme pain as blood came from his mouth.
"Well, the death was going to be painless..." said Validus with a smirk before chopping off the General's two arms.
The voice that did not seem like it could get any louder did the impossible: it got louder.
"I'm sorry! Did that hurt?" asked Validus.
"You...will...burn!" yelled the General in between screams of pain.
"I may eventually, but I guarantee you that you won't be the one to do it," declared Validus with a smile before decapitating the General.
Did I just enjoy that? Validus asked himself.

***Castle Bertrol***

"Milord!" yelled a voice.
Validus woke up and looked at the soldier that had entered his quarters.
"What?" asked Validus.
"The Easterners are launching a counter-attack! We can't win without the help of another army," said the soldier.
Validus was already up and getting his armor off when the word "We" came out of the soldier's mouth.
"How many?" asked Validus.
"At least three armies," said the soldier.
"Three!? Dammit," said Validus, "Prepare my horse..."
"But sir! Retreat is our only option!" protested the soldier.
"I said prepare my horse," said Validus.
"Yes, milord," said the soldier before leaving the room.


Validus rode down to the gates, he did not carry a lance, but he had Firengard. He rode up to be beside Farilor, who had since healed from his injuries.
"Report," requested Validus.
"We expect an attack any minute. Prince Calus and the other royals are being evacuated," said Farilor.
"When was the last time a Serilar showed any courage?" asked Validus with a frown that showed obvious disappointment.
"Probably one hundred years ago, during the time of Emperor Garon Serilar," said Farilor, "They say he wielded Quicksilver with great skill against us...but he was slain in battle by Prince Caius."
"Bit of a historian, aren't you?" asked Validus with a grin.
"I try," said Farilor with a grin.
"Incoming!" roared a soldier on the wall before a projectile scraped across the top of the wall, knocking off many and crushing a few. No matter how many projectiles were launched at the wall, the wall would not fall. Then, the gates began to open.
What the hell?
Validus drew Firengard and jumped off his horse. He quickly ran to the ladder and climbed up, ready to kill whoever opened the gates. Upon running through the gatehouse door, he saw one man standing near the gate controls.
"Yerchio?" asked Validus.
"Just the man I wanted to find me," said Alvus Yerchico as he drew a rapier, "Want to know why I did it?"
"Not really!" said Validus with rage as charged Yerchico and cut at him with lightning speed.
Yerchico was barely able to raise his rapier in time, and Validus realised that it was Garanol, the famous enchanted rapier of Kerait. Validus blocked two attacks and kicked Yerchico's legs from under him. Yerchico fell to the ground with a thud and Validus grabbed Garanol from his hand before stabbing him through the heart with it. Validus quickly ran to the controls and began closing the gates, horsemen had already broken through, but it was better late than never. The gates closed and Validus climbed back down to the battle. With Firengard in hand, he jumped from the ladder and struck a horseman, cutting through the mail guarding his neck and through flesh, the head hit the ground shortly after Validus.
"Milord! Look out!" yelled Farilor.
Validus instinctively ducked, and the blade that would have cut through his shoulder instead cut through air. Validus than chopped sideways into the horse's legs, cutting its hind legs clean off. The horse fell heavily upon the ground and the knight was unable to get up due to his heavy platemail armor. Validus spared no time cutting the man's throat and quickly ran to join the line of defenders. After two minutes, the knights that had made it through the gate were now dead. Now they waited for the full force that would soon be through the gate. The archers on the wall fired arrow after arrow, but none seemed to be enough. Eventually, the gates began to shake and splinter, and troops poured through.
"Hold the line!" roared Validus as he readied his shield.


The battle started, but there was no chance for Western Victory. Most of the actual army had left with the other royals without warning Validus, and that had left him severely undermanned. Eventually, they fell back and barricaded themselves in the castle. But not long after, the barricade was destroyed, and Validus was forced to surrender.


"Wake up!" yelled a voice, Validus opened his eyes to see Major Farilor kneeling beside him.
"Where...where the hell are we?" asked Validus.
"Maratan Prison," said another man with a strange accent, "Hell..."
Validus got up and looked around, they were in a prison cell, Validus had heard of Maratan Prison, it was where most of the POWs were put.
"Who are you?" asked Validus.
"Hrov Wolf-Claw," said the man.
"Wolf-Claw?" asked Validus.
"It means I'm from Clan Wolf-Claw," said Hrov.
Validus got up, and noticed that Firengard was gone. He knew it would be taken when he surrendered, but he had carried it since he left Cidel City several months ago...he didn't feel quite right without it.
"It was pretty funny when they did take it," said Farilor, "The first poor bastard who tried to died a very bright, yet painful, death. They had to use a blanket to carry it out, they held the four corners."
Suddenly, one of the guards unlocked the prison cell door and an officer entered the room.
"Hail Crown Prince!" said the officer with a bow.
"Greetings," said Validus.
"I am Colonel Yero Jalski, it is good to meet you. You are a very worthy adversary," said the Colonel.
"Don't you hate me?" asked Validus, taken off guard.
"Not all of us are bad people..." said the Colonel, "Most of us are fighting to make a living."
" why have you come to visit?" asked Validus.
"We wish to know how to use your sword, Firengard," said the Colonel.
Validus laughed.
"What is funny?" asked the Colonel.
"It can only be used by one of the Cidellus line," said Validus.
"Really? That's a pity, I thought there would be some word or spell to get around it..." said the Colonel before leaving.
After the Colonel left, Validus sat against the cold stone walls of the prison with only one thought dominating his mind: how to escape.

08:20:48 Jan 26th 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

Very good Septim..... but i didnt see my name anywere :P jokes

16:26:09 Jan 26th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: It isn't over yet. :-)]]

03:24:30 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

I feel unimportant for not being mentioned... oh wait, I already am unimportant.  Damn...

16:34:14 Jan 27th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

***Palace of Cidel, Cidel City***

"Where is my son!?" asked Bertilius in anger.
"His body was not found when our armies retook Bertrol. We believe him to be captured," said Major Thomas Kaine of the Cidellian Army. Kaine was a man just over average height. His hair was black and his eyes were hazel. Before becoming the Emperor's champion, he was one of Cidel's most celebrated soldiers and a good friend of Validus Cidellus. He was now thirty-three years of age.
"At least he's alive..." said Bertilius before leaning close to Kaine, "Have our spies find out where he is..."
Kaine nodded and saluted.
"Dismissed," said Bertilius.
With those words, Kaine broke his salute, turned, and walked away.

***Maratan Prison, Marfor***

Validus was sitting at the table in the corner of the cell. Farilor and Hrov were sitting around it as well.
"Hrov...what is your homeland like?" asked Farilor.
"Well, it's cold, dangerous, and a lot of dangerous beasts," said Hrov.
"What of your government?" asked Farilor.
"The North is not a place of governments. We have clans, there's about sixty of them. Clan Wolf-Claw, Clan Silverscar, Clan Frostborn, and Clan Windstrike are the biggest and most powerful of the bunch," said Hrov, "Had the misfortune of being in a scouting party across the mountains when we were ambushed by those Valkondians. We killed a bunch of them, but there was too many."
Nobody said anything, and Hrov smiled behind his graying blond beard.
"But the North is a fun place, if you're lucky you might get frostbite and lose a foot," said Hrov.
Validus smiled, and Farilor did the same, and the three began laughing.

***Palace Grounds, Cidel City***

Kaine was walking across the grounds of the Palace when he spotted Prince Lucias speaking with a man that Kaine didn't know, and Kaine knew almost everybody of interest in Cidel City. Kaine decided to approach the two.
"Your majesty," said Kaine in greeting as he saluted.
"Greetings, Kaine," said Lucias.
"Might I ask who your friend is?" asked Kaine.
"No, you may not. That is none of your business," said Lucias, "You are dismissed."
Kaine turned and walked away, a small fire growing in his stomach. He had never liked Lucias like he liked Emperor Bertilius or Crown Prince Validus. Lucias was a typical royal that refused to fight for his country, unlike Crown Prince Validus, Prince Janus, and Prince Aesius. Anochus was too young to fight as of yet, but Lucias had no excuse. He was a disgrace upon the royal family, and did not deserve his position as Prince. But there was nothing that Kaine could do.

***Maratan Prison, Marfor***

Validus let out a scream of pain as the torture expert pushed a needle down under Validus's fingernail.
"Yes! You like it don't you, Prince!? Haha! Fun, eh!?" asked the torture expert before ripping the needle out and dropping it onto a small table, " I am Duke Vehem Drek, the warden and the torture expert."
"I've heard of you," said Validus as he resisted the pain that was currently residing in his index finger.
"You have? I'm quite honored!" said Drek with a nasty smile, "I am an expert in the art of Hrak torture."
Validus shuddered, the Hrak were an old cult of sadists that believed that pain was a form of holy energy. They would capture villagers and torture them until they die, which would be a very long time. The Hrak had mastered the ability to cause the maximum amount of pain while causing very little physical harm. The cult was now long gone, but their beliefs and practices remained in very sadistic individuals.
"Oh? You've heard of them?" asked Drek, "Very good! So, let us begin..."

***Cidel City***

Kaine was standing in an alley of the large city, a hooded robe concealing his identity. After thirty minutes of waiting, a man wearing a green hooded robe approached him.
"What do you have?" asked Kaine.
"Validus is being held in Maratan," said the hooded man.
Good, we have a man in there...
Kaine handed the hooded man a bag of coins. No more words were exchanged. The two split and walked off in different directions.

***Maratan Prison, Marfor***

Validus was in massive amounts of pain, yet there were few visible marks on his body. He could barely move his limbs.
"Who tortured you?" asked Hrov.
"Drek..." muttered Validus.
Hrov's face became grave.
"Drek? I've heard bad things about that man," said Hrov.
"They are all true..." muttered Validus.
"We'll make it out, milord," said Farilor.
Validus said nothing, he simply sat against the wall. He didn't want to waste his energy.

***Palace of Cidel, Cidel City***

It was cold in the palace, very cold, and Bertilius used many blankets to keep warm as he slept. Outside the bedroom, two guards waited. The guards were not meant to fight, they were meant to ring the bell. The bell would serve to alert the twenty sleeping guards and three awake guards in the sleeping quarters nearby.
"I must answer nature's call," said one of the Emperor's guards.
The guard walked off down the hallway and soon reached the room housing the latrines. As the urine fell into the wooden hole, a cold blade found his throat. A hand covered his mouth as a mixture of air and blood came from his neck. After a few seconds of gasping, the man was dead. The murderer dropped the man to the floor and wiped the blood on the corpse's clothing. The murderer then walked out the door and down a few hallways, before turning the final corner, he drew a single-shot crossbow and fired a bolt through the guard's neck. The guard fell to the floor as large amounts of blood came out his jugular vein. The murderer quickly ran forward and picked the lock on the Emperor's door. He drew his blade as he ran in and stabbed it into the bulge on the Emperor's bed, but no blood came from it. The murderer turned and quickly blocked an expected slash from the Emperor's blade.
"Guards!" yelled the aging Emperor as he blocked a blow.
A small duel started, with the Emperor blocking and attacking with skill that had obvious diminished over the years. Finally, in the end, the murder stabbed his blade at the Emperor's chest, and the Emperor was too slow and fatigued to parry. The blade went through flesh, blood, and vital organs and came out the other side. The Emperor gasped, and let out a final word.
"To the light..." he muttered before the assassin pulled his blade out.
The Emperor fell to the floor, and the assassin locked the door. He heard footsteps outside the room. He then ran over to the window and shattered it with the hilt of his sword. Sheathing his blade, he looked over the edge. Four stories down was concrete, two stories above was a roof. There were no handholds, there would be no escape. The assassin placed a bolt in his crossbow and drew his sword. After fifteen seconds, the door flew open and the guards stormed into the room. The assassin shot a bolt into the group and ran forward, he was stabbed several times, and died almost instantly.

[[OOC: If you want a character in the story, send me a message. :-P

Deallus is already in it as Kaine.]]

22:51:42 Jan 27th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:


Kaine was sitting in his room in the palace reading a book when he heard the Emperor yell. He quickly pulled his blade from the sheath and ran out the door. A minute later, he arrived at the room to see that the guards had just arrived, and were just stabbing the assassin.
"No! Keep him alive!" yelled Kaine, but it was too late. The assassin was dead.
"Dammit! Why'd you kill him!?" yelled Kaine in rage.
"He attacked us!" said a guard.
"There were nearly twenty of you, you should've taken him captive!" yelled Kaine, "We could've found out who hired him!"
Kaine put his blade down and looked closely at the assassin's face. He recognised it almost immediately. It was the man that Lucias had met over a week ago.
That bastard! I'll kill him! thought Kaine.
"Do you know this man?" asked a guard.
"No," lied Kaine.
They would never believe me if I told him...I must leave the city at once or it'll be my head...
With that, Kaine grabbed his blade.
"Place the Emperor in the mortuary," said Kaine, a tear nearly sliding down his cheek, "And burn the assassin's corpse..."


"Rise, Emperor Lucias I, son of Emperor Bertilius II, and rule with honor, truth, and justice," said the high priest of Mastros, the King of the Cidellian Gods.
Emperor Lucias Cidellus rose from his kneeling position and turned to face the small crowd. With great pride he walked down the throne room's red carpeted aisle and out in front of the massive crowd of Cidellian citizens. He then smiled and began his speech...

***Maratan Prison, Marfor***

"Hey Prince!" yelled a guard.
"What?" asked Validus as he sat against the wall, barely able to move.
"I heard some news from Cidel, your father's dead! He died three days ago!" said the guard before laughing, "He was killed by Thomas Kaine, his own champion!"
Validus had expected many things. He had expected insults, taunts, or both, but not his father's death.
"You have no proof!" said Validus as loud as he could, "You're just trying to make me break!"
"Take it how you will!" said the guard before walking off.
Validus sat against the wall, his father was not dead...he couldn't be...

***Two weeks later***

Kaine was crouching outside the prison, waiting, watching. It was midnight, and there was no moon. After half an hour of waiting, a lantern flashed above the gate. Kaine jumped over the rock he was hiding behind and ran as quickly as he could over the gate. The gate opened when he got close, and he slipped through before it closed. The guard that had opened it was his inside man. A soldier that did not believe that Kaine was the assassin. Kaine grabbed a backpack that was in a wagon near the gate and put on one of the uniforms inside. Inside was a note. It read:

2nd floor, third cell down the hall on the right.

Kaine put the note in his pocket and put on the backpack. He then ran over to the prison building and stepped through the door. On the ground floor was a guard.
"Hey! Why aren't you sleeping?" asked the guard in Marforian as he approached Kaine.
Kaine said nothing as the guard approached, but kept his face hidden by the Marforian guard hat..
"Let me see you-"
Kaine grabbed the guard's arm and smashed him in the face with his elbow, he then grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall. Kaine then grabbed the guard's sword, but not the sheath as it was attached to the guard's uniform, and hid the body in a nearby bathroom. Kaine then ran up the stairs to the second floor. There was another guard on that floor, but he did not see Kaine. Kaine hid around a corner, and as the guard approached, Kaine jumped out, punched him in the face, and cut his throat with his dagger. With quick reflexes, he pushed the body into the shadowy corner that Kaine had hidden behind and wiped his dagger off on the guard's shirt. He then grabbed the keys and walked off down the hall.


Validus was sleeping lightly when a knock came to the cell door. A small, silent, knock. Hrov was awake, and he woke Farilor and Validus before walking to the door. He stayed against the wall behind the door before Validus answered.
"Who's there?" asked Validus.
The door opened and a man stepped in, he wore a Marforian uniform. Hrov immediately jumped from behind the door and tackled the man to the ground, after punching him twice with his powerful fists, Validus stopped him. The man on the ground was Thomas Kaine.
"Who the hell are you?" asked Kaine, trying his best not to yell in pain.
"That is Hrov Wolf-Claw," said Validus, "Did you kill my father?"
"What? Of course not! Dammit! Get away," said Kaine.
"Be calm..." ordered Validus, trying his best to stand up, the torture had taken its toll, "Did you kill my father?"
"No, I did not kill him. Lucias did...," said Kaine calmly.
He didn't...
"What? Lucias!?" asked Validus in shock.
"I'll tell you the whole story when we're out of here, now tell this bear to get off me," said Kaine.
"Lucias...alright, let him go, Hrov, he's a friend," said Validus.
Hrov got off of Kaine, and Validus helped him up. Silently, he pulled off his backpack and shoved it into Validus's arms.
"Put it on, I'm breaking you out," said Kaine.
"What about Farilor, and Hrov?" asked Validus.
"They'll act as prisoners," said Kaine.
"Fine," said Validus before putting on the uniform.
After two minutes, Validus had the uniform on, and Kaine handed him a Marforian longsword.
"It isn't Firengard, but it'll have to work," said Kaine.
Validus sheathed the sword, and Kaine turned.
"Come on," said Kaine.
"Where is the warden's quarters?" asked Validus.
"Why?" asked Kaine.
"He tortured me, and I want revenge," said Validus, "Not only that, but I overheard that he had Firengard in his bedroom."
Kaine looked around, and seemed indecisive. The break was proving far more difficult than he had planned.
"Fine, lets go," said Kaine as he walked off down a corridor. Hrov, Farilor, and Validus followed.


The door at the end of the hallway was guarded by two guards. Both looked tired, and barely noticed Kaine and Validus walk up.
"Hello," said Validus in Marforian.
"What accent is tha-?" the Marforian didn't finish his question as Validus got close and stabbed him in the heart, Kaine did the same to the other guard, and they both lowered the bodies gently to the floor. Validus then opened the door to see the warden reading a book, the warden looked up and saw two guards. The warden recognised Validus right away and ran to grab his sword from its sheath. He got to his dresser and managed to grab a longsword to block in time, but the two superior swordsmen overpowered him easily. As the two blades went into him, he let out a quiet yell before falling to the floor. Hrov and Farilor entered the room moments later and Validus threw his sword to Farilor, he then grabbed the warden's blade and tossed it to Hrov.
"Won't be needing that anymore," said Validus as he opened a blanket on the guard's shelf, inside was the living blade.
Validus grabbed Firengard, which was inside its white sheath, and buckled it, he then turned to face Kaine.
"Lets get out of here..." he said.


The four managed to sneak out rather easily, as Kaine had killed or disabled most of the guards. The "inside man" opened the gates for them, and closed them soon after. He then went back to bed, where he was supposed to be.

Over the next two weeks, they made their way from Marfor to Cidel, evading patrols and bounty hunters. They eventually made it back to Cidel, and not long after that, Cidel City.

***Cidel City, Cidel***

"Your majesty," said Helen, Lucias's wife, playfully as she came to sit on her throne.
Lucias said nothing, he simply sat reading the troop reports he had been reading for the last thirty minutes. Then, suddenly, the doors opened, and four hooded men entered the throne room with the two guards outside following them. The guards were making to attempt to stop them.
"I said no disturbances!" said Lucias as he got up and walked down the stairs from his throne platform, "Kill them!"
The twenty guards in the room drew their longswords and advanced on the four men, but one of them pulled their hood back and revealed his face.
"Would you kill your true Emperor?" he asked the guards.
The guards stopped, "Validus?" one asked.
"I am Crown Prince Validus Cidellus!" proclaimed Validus before drawing Firengard, "Wielder of the Living Sword, Commander of the Dragon Vanguard, and the true Emperor of Cidel!"
The guards in the room looked at the Prince, and then at their Emperor.
"Validus?" asked Lucias, "How did you escape!?"
"I broke him out," said Kaine as he stepped forward, pulling his hood back and revealing his face.
"What!?" asked Lucias, realizing that his brother must know the truth, "Kill them! They are traitors!"
"If any among you would strike down your true Emperor, then you will be betraying your oath!" roared Validus, "Stand down!"
The soldiers stood down and bowed, and Validus looked up at Lucias.
"I am sorry, but you must pay for the blood you have spilled," said Validus.
"No! Please! I'm your brother!" yelled Lucias as Validus approached him.
"And he was our father!" yelled Validus before driving Firengard into his brother's chest, Lucias caught on fire and screamed in agony before Validus pulled the blade out and decapitated his brother. The flaming corpse fell to the stone floor, and Validus walked up the stairs and sat on the throne of the Emperor of Cidel.

12:48:42 Feb 2nd 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

[OOC:Nice one Septim, but you stopped. :(  I want more, make it a chapter at 2-3 days or I'll get bored. Reading the forum is my only joy in this exam session.]

16:25:23 Feb 2nd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Don't worry, another one coming soon. =D]]

18:00:17 Feb 11th 09 - Sir Delran Silver:

[OOC: Is this all? Come on....... It's been like a week or two and nothing new here!]

19:11:51 Feb 11th 09 - Demonslayer John Berkeley:

[[He is doing Sericco too...der]]

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